Iskander Sanchez-Rola
Founder/Content Director
Expertise: Web Security and Privacy

Interview with Joxean Koret (@matalaz)

Joxean Koret in one sentence: I analyse, break and code stuff in no specific order. Great  security researcher / auditor and  better person. He tells his story, his opinions and some anecdotes about information security. If you want to keep abreast of where he

Bug bounty, hackers hunting for rewards

All started in 2004 when Mozilla decided to change the rules of the game and launched a rewards program for those who detected bugs (software errors) in their browser. But it wasn’t until 2010 that Google decided to pull the

My wireless network is the most secure in the world

Although you think your wireless network is the most secure in the world, I am sorry to disappoint you but it’s pretty unlikely. If you follow security guidelines, congratulations , you are among the select group of people who pay

Interview with Pablo Garaizar (@txipi)

Pablo Garaizar (@txipi) is a staunch advocate of free software , both for its technical capabilities as the implications for freedom of the people using it and develops . There is not a person who has opened the doors of the hall

I think that the fridge and toaster have a virus

Internet of things (IOT) and ambient intelligence are terms heard much lately. Are these devices free of virus? The problem is that in the same way you connect your new smartwatch with the refrigerator to alert you that you have