Spear Phishing, adapting hooks to targets

Although many of you may have heard of phising, even been victims of some in the worst case, you are not so familiar with the next evolutionary step: spear phishing. Starting from the ground up, phishing is based on fooling

How does a linker work? (III) – Types of symbols

After learning what information contains the symbol table in the previous post, we can now talk more about the attributes that a symbol can have and what role do they have in the resolution of symbols from the linker point

Analyzing a fuzzing framework

In the previous post on fuzzing, we explained in broad terms the main foundations and the different types that exist. This time we are going to focus on fuzzing frameworks, so let’s start by looking at how the general logical

Bugs in Linux kernel drivers via #UseSec17

As the vast majority of security workers will know, a vulnerability known as “Dirty Cow” (CVE-2016-5195) that has been present in the Linux kernel since 2.6.22 in 2007 has been publicly disclosed, therefore, present in Linux-based operating systems, including Android.

Capture The Flag, making hacking a game

It is possible to spend a fun weekend with friends hacking like there is no tomorrow, and of course I mean doing it completely legally. All this is thanks to the different CTFs that are organized throughout the year. These

How does a linker work? (II) – The symbol table

In previous posts we talked about that the linkers are the ones in charge of combining different files of translatable object code in an executable. For this they had two fundamental tasks, the resolution of symbols and the transfer; in