apt-get install summer

We just found a new package in the repository that seems quite interesting. It has no dependencies and the benefits of installing it seem quite interesting. Reviewing the code, we have detected that it has a timeout that will be

Turning off server room coolers

There it comes that precious moment of the year where the temperature usually has a single number (in Celsius obviously). People tend to think that this is a negative thing, but here we have always been very positive people.

Under “Summer” Construction

Summer arrives and with it the typical works in the university. As these magnificent moments usually come from power cuts and water, we have decided that taking advantage of these dates, we could not hurt a little vacation (until September).

Merry ʎʇıʌɐɹƃ be with you

This year we decided to be multi-cultural and not just stick to one of the many parties celebrated around the winter solstice. So: Happy Mithra, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Happy Saturnalia But above all, as scientists: Happy Day

go run summer.GO

We recognize it, we have sinned. We are playing Pokemon GO. We have decided to ignore the privacy issues, battery drain, DoS attacks to servers and we have taken the streets. It has also helped us to discover the sunlight, which

Underground memories

Those, like me, who are old school people and lived the golden age of Spanish underground, we tend to miss those days when everything was much more fun than now. We used Windows 3.1  for groups work, we uprooted from