Iskander Sanchez-Rola
Founder/Content Director
Expertise: Web Security and Privacy

Interview with Lorenzo Martínez (@lawwait)

Lorenzo is within that group of people who love to share all their knowledge with the community and a clear example is Security By Default (blog which he co-founded). Usually he explains many things that have happened to him in his lectures, of which

Dynamically detecting and classifying malware

Performing a dynamic analysis of a malware sample is quick and can bring large amounts of data to perform a more complete and complex manual analysis. There are many sandboxes (controlled environments) that analyze a binary to know what exactly

Honeypots, attracting hackers with vulnerabilities

There is very useful technique to know who wants to enter your network and which are his intentions. Simply leave a pot of vulnerabilities in the middle of the woods and wait for the bees to approach. Most times they

Ransomware, not all encryptions are good

Deciding to encrypt a hard disk is reason for celebration and merriment, as it means that you’re worried, in one way or another, about the security of your computer. But when malware is the one that decides to encrypt the disk

Interview with David Hernández (@daboblog)

David Hernández (@daboblog) is one of those great professionals that anyone in the world of server security should know,everytime you talk with him, you learn something new. Co-founder and Head of Hacking division on Apachectl and promoter of several highly successful portals

Documents as or more malicious than executables

Although controlling the executables receives either in an email or through a download is good, we must not forget that the forest is full of foxes. Simply opening a Word or PDF document, for example, harmless at first sight, we